Dr. Glynita "Gigi" Bell

Hi there, I'm Dr. Gigi.
I’m a cognitive behavioral therapist and founder of Heart 2 Heart Wellness Center. I have a passion for working with people to support them as they construct the life they want to live. Together we can achieve optimal mental wellness through therapy and self-care skills that will allow you to conquer the twists and turns of life.
I specialize in treating depression, anxiety, mood and behavioral disorders for adults and children. I hold certifications as a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional, and am a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. My research interests include school-based bullying interventions, stress management interventions for helping professionals, and best practices for cultural humility in employment and academic settings. Training the next generation of mental health therapists is an essential component of my work. I am fortunate to be a full time contributing faculty member at a local private university teaching clinical and practice integration courses at the graduate level.
When I’m not teaching or practicing clinically, I love consulting with businesses and school districts to help create a culture and climate that promotes wellness which in turn increases productivity. I also provide trainings, workshops and motivational speaking with topics ranging from Mastering Work Life Balance, Managing Stress Successfully, Real Life Solutions for Depression & Anxiety amongst others with each experience being tailored specifically for the audience.
Upcoming projects I am excited to share with you soon are the publication of my first book, my dissertation entitled Relationship between Teacher’s Childhood Bullying Experiences and Attitudes towards Student Bullying and a conference entitled Cultivating a Culture of Wellness. Stay tuned for upcoming projects release dates and contact us to book me to speak at your event.